ADA Complimentary Paratransit Service
Eligibility & Registration

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Agency process for determining ADA eligibility
The process for determining eligibility for TACT’s ADA complementary paratransit service is based on evaluation of the applicant’s functional ability, not on any medical or diagnostic criteria and includes evaluation by a medical doctor or a rehabilitation professional.
TACT has two categories of ADA Complementary Paratransit eligibility: unconditional and temporary. Unconditional eligibility means that a person with a disability is approved for ADA Complementary Paratransit trips for a period of not less than two (2) and not more than five (5) years depending on the applicant and potential for future change in the applicant’s functional ability. Temporary eligibility may be approved for the length of time a customer is unable to utilize TACT’s fixed routes; for example, a customer breaks a leg that is expected to heal in a relatively short time.
Applications are available by calling TACT Customer Service at 724-548-8696 or 800-245-5255. All requests for Transportation Services Application are logged in to the TACT eligibility database. The application contains Parts A – K1 (to be completed by the applicant) and Part K2 (to be completed by a professional who is familiar with the applicant’s disability).) Applications must be submitted by mail or in person; faxes are not accepted.
Customer process for disputing eligibility determinations
Individuals who have been determined ineligible, conditional, or temporarily eligible have the right to appeal the limitations based on their ADA eligibility. The right to appeal is explained in the determination letter, and the appeal process policy and request for appeal form is included with the determination letter.
All appeals must be filed within 60 (sixty) calendar days of the initial determination. The applicant’s failure to meet the deadline terminates the appeals process. Applicants are required to complete and submit the request for appeal form but do not have to provide any additional written information if they choose not to.
Upon receipt of a request for appeal, TACT will conduct an administrative review on the day the appeal is received. Requests for appeal will be reviewed by someone other than the TACT official who made the initial eligibility determination. If there is sufficient information contained in the appeal form to reverse the initial decision, TACT will issue a determination letter advising the applicant of their successful appeal.
If there is not sufficient information contained in the appeal form to reverse the initial decision, the applicant’s complete file and any information submitted with the appeal will be reviewed by a TACT official on the following business day. This will not be the same person who made the initial eligibility determination.
The official considering appeals will have 10 (ten) calendar days to consider the information. If there is not sufficient information in the appeal to make a decision, they will notify the applicant of the next in-person hearing date and of the opportunity to present an appeal in person. If the applicant declines the hearing, the official considering appeals will make a decision on the information available.
If, after initial review of the appeal, the appeal decision is for anything less than full eligibility, the applicant will be notified of the right to appear at the next in-person hearing date. In-person hearings are held on the second Tuesday of each month if there are appeals to be heard. If requested, transportation to the hearing will be provided to the applicant at no cost.
If the applicant requests a hearing and fails to appear at the time scheduled, the original decision will be considered final and the appeals process terminated.
The applicant has the right to decline the hearing, in which case the original decision will be considered final and the appeals process terminated.
Following a hearing, a decision will be rendered within 5 (five) calendar days of the hearing date and the applicant will be notified by mail. TACT’s failure to meet the deadline will result in presumptive eligibility for the applicant until such time as a decision is rendered.
Agency Process for determining ADA eligibility for visitors
Individuals who live outside TACT’s jurisdiction may apply for visitor status to use TACT’s ADA Complementary Paratransit service while in the area for a maximum of twenty-one (21) days. No verification of disability is required if the applicant’s disability is apparent. If the applicant’s disability is not apparent, verification from a health care provider must be presented in advance. Verification of ADA Complementary Paratransit eligibility from another transit system is also accepted. Following the initial 21-day period, the application must be completed to continue transportation services. Twenty-one days of eligibility within a 365-day period is provided to qualified visitors with disabilities.
Hours and Days of Service
1. TACT Fixed Route Service Hours include:
Monday through Friday: 6:30 am – 7:25 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
2. Reservation Hours include:
Monday through Friday: 8:00 am – 3:45 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am – 3:45 pm (voicemail only available)
Voice mail available 24 hours a day for reservations or cancellations
3. Reservation Deadline: 3:45pm on the day prior to the trip requested
Customer process for disputing no-show suspensions
Any rider suspended for violations of the TACT ADA complementary paratransit no show policy is permitted to appeal the suspension in writing to the main office or in person with a scheduled appointment. You can view and download the policy here... ADA Complementary Paratransit No Show Policy
Customer process for comments and complaints
TACT would like to hear from any rider who has a complements or complaints on our service. Comments are reviewed the same day they are received. All complaints are investigated and responded to within two weeks. TACT does not accept or act upon anonymous compliments or complaints. Comments may be filed by telephone, in writing, or in person at the main office. Drivers are not allowed to accept complaints.
To submit a comment or complaint, please call 724-548-8696 or 800-245-8588.
TACT mailing and office address is:
Town & Country Transit
220 North Grant Avenue
Kittanning, PA 16201
We will need the following information regarding the incident:
1. Your name, address and telephone number
2. The date and day of your trip (example: Monday, March 7)
3. The service you are using (fixed route, shared ride, ADA Complimentary Paratransit, or PwD)
4. The scheduled trip information including times and addresses
5. A description of the incident
6. Vehicle number and whom you spoke with on the telephone, if known
If you need further information, please view and download the TACT Complaint Brochure
Reasonable Modification Practices
TACT will implement and follow the practices pertaining to reasonable modification of policies and procedures with respect to transportation-related requests from persons with disabilities. Federal regulations require transit agencies to make reasonable modifications to policies, practices and procedures to avoid discrimination and ensure that their programs are accessible to persons with disabilities.
You can view and download the policy here... Reasonable Modification Practices